Posts Tagged 'editorial research'

SBJ researches employee screening firms

Joyce Embree, SBJ ResearcherSpringfield Business Journal will publish a new list of employee screening firms in the March 12 issue. We are looking to find area businesses that offer stand-alone screening services.

The first step was to define employee screening services. We have determined that these services include background checks, drug testing, pre-screening employment, finger printing, etc., for a fee. Next, we had to decide what type of questions we should  consider, what companies would offer this service and what our readers would want to know about employee screening. Some staffing firms offer screening services for candidates they place, but to be included on this list, companies must offer fee-based screening services for any employers. Our goal is a list of companies that give employers another layer of information before hiring the employees right for the job. Continue reading ‘SBJ researches employee screening firms’

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